Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Worship 8/24/10

Tonight's sermon has to do with, "What does God want to do with you while you're here at OU?" One of the things I proposed is that God isn't desiring for us to be more religious, he's desiring a more authentic and real relationship with each one of us. What are some ways in which you struggle to have an authentic relationship with God? What are some disciplines or habits that help you have a more authentic relationship with God?

My answer to both of those are kind of the same. Sometimes i feel like my quiet times are dry and i don't get anything out of them. When this happens it's hard for me to feel like i'm really connected to God. Somtimes my response is to just give up this discipline, but inevitably what happens when i do this is i grow even further from God and have less of a relationship. I have found in my own life that even when I'm not experiencing that "spiritual high," i still need to be going to the source for nourishment and life. When i stay consistent in these disciplines i eventually find God in new and lifegiving ways. It's at these times that i feel most connected with God. I hope you will continue worshiping, meeting with other believers, reading your  Bibles, praying, fasting, etc. even when you sometimes feel like God isn't there.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

School is about to start!

The start of a new school year is not too distant of a memory for me. I vividly remember beginning my very first year as a freshman at OU. I was terrified and didn't know anybody. I was also excited about the possibilities that lie ahead of me and obviously excited about the freedom of being away from parents and starting a new life for myself. I remember starting school my sophomore year and being ecstatic to get out of my parents' home and back to Norman. Same goes for starting my junior year! I also remember feeling spiritually dry and hungry because i had slacked off in my relationship with God over the summer. I hadn't spent as much time in the Word and praying and worshipping. I was excited to get back involved at the Wesley, worshipping with my peers, teaching and being involved in Bible studies, etc.

What are you most excited about? What are you worried about? How is God calling you to be a more committed follower of Jesus this new school year?